Errol has been invited by the Newberry Library to give a multimedia presentation on his book, Chicago’s Only Castle: The History of Givins’ Irish Castle and Its Keepers, and to do a book signing. This event will take place at the Newberry on Wednesday, April 11, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. This is quite an honor, and over 100 people are expected to attend. “The Newberry’s Meet the Author lecture series brings writers to the library for presentations on their recently published work. This work covers a range of topics and genres; the series introduces guests to a variety of professional wordsmiths working within the traditions of memoir, historical fiction, biography, historiography, and more.”
Topics Include:
- The history of the Castle
- How the research was conducted
- The writing of the book and publishing it
Registration is required. More information on the book and presentation is available at the Newberry web page where there is also a link to register*: